One could, however, also take advantage of this property of words that they could mean different things to different persons: For example, by extending the example above, one could design a study with childless women consisting of one group who strongly desires an own child but were ...
Concepts are thus represented with vectors of features, weighted according to theirimportanceforaconcept(SmithandMedin1981,McRaeetal.1997).Vectordimen-sions are typically derived from semantic feature norms (McRae et al. 2005a),which are collected by asking native speakers to generate properties they...
it becomes theirpropertyagain→revert→ SeeVerb tableExamples from the Corpusreverted to normal•Hismannerseemed to havereverted to normal.•Thethresholdof phasicsphinctercontractionreverted to normalin the threepatientswithabnormalvalues.•Indeed, Kirsner etal have reported a case ofrectalstricturewhich...