For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it. — Vincent de Paul 156 Christianity is not a matter of persuading people of particular ideas, but of inviting them to share in the greatness of Christ. So pray that I may never ...
I found in Philosophy that GENETICS plays the greatest part. If you ignore Genetics, you simply miss the bulls eye in analysis. Christianity is a DEFECTIVE [and "Blanking Out"] Philosophy. Jewish Philosophy only corrupts, sneers and spits on Superior Aryan Idealism. You went as far as Christi...
1. The Periqlyte is not the "Consoler" nor the "Intercessor." We have fully shown the material impossibility of discovering the least signification of "consolation" or of "intercession". Christ does not use Paraqalon. Besides, even from a religious and moral point of view the idea of co...
Christianity / Theology / Christian Terms / What is Humility? Bible Meaning and Importance for Christians Is Knowing Too Much Killing Our Brains? Information Overload in the Age of the InternetBertrand Russell said, “There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.” If there was ...
Christianity/Theology/Christian Terms/What Are the Seven Heavenly Virtues? Today's Devotional When You Feel Like Giving Up in Prayer - The Crosswalk Devotional - January 21 Are there prayers God has put on your heart years ago? If so, have you felt discouraged and tempted to give up? If ...
The idea of rejecting excessive arrogance and living in a meek, compassionate and loving way is a centerpiece for many different religions people practice today, including Christianity. In fact, one of the best summaries or warnings against hubris is found in the Bible in Proverbs 16:18, which...
It is therefore not sur-prisingthatChristianityinstrumentalizedthecodexasaformofidenti-fication for its new religious community.18The last aspect of ‘book-shaped rationality’ to be mentioned is thehierarchical, tree-shaped order of knowledge, which for Gilles DeleuzeandFélixGuattariissocloselyconnected...
Filianism is not in any way based on Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. It does not use any version of Abrahamic Scripture. The threefold nature of the Mother God long predates Christianity, and the Trinitarian aspect of Filianism is closer to the Vedic Trimurti than to the...
Hindu dharma talks of nark for evil doers, Muslim talks of jhanum and Christianity talks of hell for evildoers but at the same time without any exception every religion talks of reforms. Giving a chance to the culprit to compensate the victim would go a long way in reforming the person. ...
Christianity was unpopular not because of the humility, but of the arrogance of Christians. Certainly, if the church failed it was largely through the churchmen. But at the same time hostile elements had certainly begun to end it long before it could have done its work. In the nature of ...