What is the biblical definition of humility? In the Bible, humility is not just about modesty or lack of arrogance; it is about acknowledging our need for God and submitting to His will. It involves trusting in His sovereignty and walking in obedience to His commands. How did Jesus demonstra...
When talking to your daughter about sexuality, quoting verse after verse about sex from the Bible might not be the best option. But you also don’t want your conversations to be devoid of biblical teaching aboutsexual activity. Consider infusing these thoughts, stories, and Bible verses into yo...
Biblical womanhood is a movement within evangelical Christianity, particularly in the United States. Itadopts a complementarian or patriarchal view of gender roles, and emphasizes passages such as Titus 2 in describing what Christian women should be like. What is Womanhood? 15 related questions found...
Perhaps a better, more biblical thing to say to our children is that we should all be able to try and be whatever we want. There is a big difference between having equal opportunity versus having an equal outcome. America’s greatness has never been that we can all be whatever we want,...
something like love is not egocentric, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic or braggadocios. Of course, those terms and their particular definitions did not exist in his day so he had to use what was available. For help with original biblical linguistics check out Truth in Translation by Dr. Jason ...
Interestingly, the virtues became even more of a practical moral guide. The virtues replaced were faith, good works, and concord. These are important biblical concepts to Christianity. The apostle Paul reminds us that we are saved by grace through faith, so valuing faith is a no-brainer. Good...
The biblical definition of SIN is the transgression of LAW (I John 3:4). In the spiritual sense, in connection with the gospel, the basic law of the Kingdom of God is the spiritual law (Romans 7:14) set in inexorable, relentless motion -- the law of LOVE, the "GIVE" way of life...
What is the biblical meaning of Yolanda? What is the meaning of Yolanda ? Yolanda is baby unisex name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Greek. Yolanda name meanings isResembling the violet flower. What does Yolanda mean in the Urban Dictionary?
The modest and uniform Amish dress code is central to the groups' religious beliefs and adherence to biblical scripture. Therefore, only slight modifications are found even in the more progressive thinking communities. Amish dress codes call for simple,
3. Your Actions Affirm What Is Good Your decisions agree with what you know is appropriate and excellent. You value beauty and modesty in style and appearance. You honor your body and the Lord who redeemed it, demonstrating uprightness andself-controlin your conduct. ...