One of the main characteristics of a fungus that helps set it apart from the other kingdoms is that they all contain within them a substance called ‘chitin’ which allows fungi such as mushrooms to develop their shape and maintain structure. In nature, Fungi serve an incredibly important role...
A biologist is in the process of classifying a newly discovered fungus. The observed characteristics include chitin in the cell walls and flagellated spores. To which group does the organism most likely belong? Briefly describe chara...
Provide an example of mutualism between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. Provide an example of mutualism between a fungus and plants. For each exampWhat are the main types of fungi that occur in the Order Sporidiobolales? Where are they found in nature?
It is grown from a corm and likes a nice hummus rich soil, does great in containers, and can even withstand a bit of a temperature drop, as long as its buried snugly in a said hummus-y soil. I expect this would do well in most climates if kept in a container and properly mulched/...
How does a fungus cause disease? Fungi can cause disease through:Replication of the fungus(fungal cells can invade tissues and disrupt their function) Immune response (by immune cells or antibodies) Competitive metabolism (consuming energy and nutrients intended for the host) ...
Fungi have a wide range of symbioses with other kinds of organisms. What is a mutualistic symbiosis? Provide an example of mutualism between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. Provide an example of mutualism between a fungus and plants. For each examp ...
A biologist is in the process of classifying a newly discovered fungus. The observed characteristics include chitin in the cell walls and flagellated spores. To which group does the organism most likely belong? Briefly describe the division of Zoo...
An example of homologous structures would be our front teeth and ___: a. the mandibles of a crab b. the mouthparts of a mosquito c. the beak of a bird d. the tentacles of a sea worm e. the front teethDescribe the distinction between and provide examples of the foll...
A d A biologist is in the process of classifying a newly discovered fungus. The observed characteristics include chitin in the cell walls and flagellated spores. To which group does the organism most likely belong? What is the main external mor...
What type of marine worm has a pair of strong chitin jaws and a well-defined head region with eyes and other sensory organs? a) Oligochaetes b) Polychaetes c) Roundworms d) Leeches e) Flatworms The zombie fungus is an example of what? ...