Fungi serve an incredibly important role in the life-cycle of the planet as they are at the top of the table for ecological decomposition.
What kingdom does amoeba belong to? A.) Plantae B.) Protista C.) Monera D.) Prokaryotae What are the major phyla (or divisions) in which kingdom fungi divided into? On what basis are these divisions made? Create a chart and explain...
Fungi: Fungi is one of the five kingdoms of life within the Eukarya domain. Organisms within the kingdom of Fungi include mushrooms, slime molds, and yeasts. Answer and Explanation:1 The exclusive features of fungi are: Fungal cell walls that are primarily made of the polysaccharide chitin. ...
It is grown from a corm and likes a nice hummus rich soil, does great in containers, and can even withstand a bit of a temperature drop, as long as its buried snugly in a said hummus-y soil. I expect this would do well in most climates if kept in a container and properly mulched/...
) A genus of minute fungi which form a floccose mass of filaments on decaying fruit, etc. Many forms once referred to this genus are now believed to be temporary conditions of fungi of other genera, among them the vine mildew (Oidium Tuckeri), which has caused much injury to grapes. ...
In which form do plants store energy? Starch, glycogen, chitin or cellulose? What polysaccharide do plants store in plastids? What do plants do with extra glucose? Which energy source do plants use to produce sugar? What do plants manufacture from glucose? During photosynthesis plants use what ...
How do fungi evade the immune system? To bypass the encounter with immune cells, fungi havedeveloped a “hiding” strategy by covering β-1,3-glucan and chitin with different molecules(Figure 1). Although different covers have evolved in different fungal pathogens, they all converge to the same...
A mold, of course, is a fungi. But a slime mold is not a mold, and it’s most decidedly not fungal (though it was once mistakenly lumped in with the shrooms, hence its name). Unlike fungi, slime molds can move (yes, really—more on that later) and they don’t have chitin in ...
Microorganisms are used in the biodegradation process to break down biodegradable polymers through enzymatic activity. Fungi and bacteria metabolize these macromolecules, converting them into simpler compounds for energy.3 Microbes can degrade both natural and synthetic polymeric materials, but factors such ...
It is possible, and I do see it all the time, for the yeast to become resistant to the point that Fluconazole does nothing. In these cases, Itraconazole, Voriconazole, Posaconazole, one of the Enchinocandins, and Amphotericin B are the suggested alternatives. ...