Aryanis probably one of the most misused and abused words ever to come out of the field of linguistics. What the termAryanactually means and what it has come to mean are two vastly different things. Unfortunately, errors by some scholars in the 19th and early 20th centuries brought about i...
So what does it mean to follow this Vedic Aryan path? It generally means to learn the ways of a spiritually progressed person. This includes understanding one's spiritual identity, knowing that he or she is not the body but is spirit soul, that there iskarmafor one's actions, and rebirth...
Beyond the "feminist" marriage, don't look now, but we've gotten to "post-feminist" marriages. (I mean, the few that exist that aren't between gays). My millennial kids don't believe it when I say it was once a disgrace for a man's wife to go to work. Now they wonder whether...
Although the term "Aryan" is often associated with racism, the fact is that Aryan actually refers to linguistics. Specifically, Aryans were a group of people who spoke related Indo-European languages before the third millennium BCE. They were nomadic herders who eventually ended up in India....
What does "primal, primitive, basic" actually refer to in terms of primal religions? What is a morpheme in linguistics? What does pre-linguistic mean? What does SI mean in special education? What does oppression mean in social work? What does early childhood development mean? What does the ...
But what does it really mean to say that some instance of speech or writing is part of “figurative language”? This article considers several possible ways of thinking about figurative language by taking a closer look at what “figurative” really means. A main theme of this assessment views...
(At Gatwick, the first time I flew with NAS, I’d actually asked the ticket attendant about the pack, rather than putting all my eggs in the “maybe I can sneak it on” basket, and she’d had a sort of positively non-committal answer that pretty much said, “Yeah, maybe we have ...
What does a teardrop tattoo mean? Easily one of the most popular prison tattoos in popular culture, the teardrop tattoo actually has a less innocent meaning behind it. The meaning of teardrop tattoos can vary depending on the geography, but they all have the same premise: it symbolizes murd...
years behind us. The Berlin Wall has been torn down in your young lifetime. You know about Nazi Concentration Camps in Poland, run by the S.S. and the Gestapo. But you have this German Heritage -- it's a relic. Do you bring it out to show your German heritage, your Aryan Pride?
(or decidedly non-Aryan Italians for that matter). And being ‘nice’ to gays does not mean that people like Harris can use the same language which was used to attack them in the past on the scapegoat of the week. And if we allow this kind of discourse to go on, then all groups ...