“Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. In the human brain there is a tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops.” –Hall, O...
[or] traumatized experience, or to use Bachelard’s term, an experience of being “cornered”, we would look for certain things. On the one hand, we might expect to see elements of an ideal, imagined dwelling space that includes positive aspects of previous ideas or experiences of dwelling ...
which is responsible for our discretionary and decision-making abilities. In some images he is shown as riding not one but seven swans. In this regard he reminds us of Varuna, the Indo Iranian Aryan god who is the upholder of laws, the knower...
Since the term 'Hindu religion' denotes all the religions of India together, it cannot refer to any particular religion. And since the term 'Hindu religion' consists of many religions which have different doctrines and are contrary to each other, there will be leaders for each religion and the...
(6) The prior-term defined in Eq. 2 is straightforward to evaluate. The measurements, d, only depends on y, and the likelihood becomes f d | x, y, u = f d | y , as usual. Still, it is necessary to separate the control variables used to force the model and the data on which...
Jones Beach (NYC) term for Blacks due to their poor swimming abilities. Argie Argentinans Self-explanatory Arm Pits Armenians False acronym for the Hollywood based street gang called AP, which stands for Armenian Power Armo Armenians Short for Armenian. Aryan Whites The name Hitler used to ...
The term “ethnic cleansing” sounds sanitary, but this is the tragedy behind it: once you uproot a community you can’t just place it back where it once was like a houseplant. Given enough time, the only way for it to return is through unspeakable violence. Ethnic cleansing by replacing...
Fig. 7. ORR evaluation of the selected catalysts in 0.1 M KOH: (a) CV curves in O2 (line) and N2 (dashed lines)-saturated electrolyte; (b) LSV curves; (c) Tafel plots; (d) HO2- yield and the corresponding electron-transfer number; (e) long-term CA measurement at 0.5 V...
Bar length is proportional to the percentage of genes in the term found within our signals, while the number of genes found in each term is shown. Pathways are colored depending on their main biological function. All terms are statistically significant (p-value < 0.05, BH—FDR). (C) ...
Unwise is the correct term to use in their case. For the Esoteric philosophy is alone calculated to withstand, in this age of crass and illogical materialism, the repeated attacks on all and everything man holds most dear and sacred, in his inner spiritual life. The true philosopher, the ...