1. Why is potassium hydroxide used to dissolve the aluminum? Why not sulfuric acid? 2. What does "amphoteric" mean? How would you test a solution containing only Co^{2+} and Fe^{3+} ions? Which will have th...
What does it mean to displace water? Would solid PbCl2 dissolve when water is added to it? Explain. What is the meaning of polarity? Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a compound that fits the explanation. ...
What are amphoteric compounds? Why do chemical properties depend on electrons? What properties of water make it an ideal medium for aquatic life? What are uses of carboxylic acids? How do the electrons help in predicting the chemical properties of elements?
amphoteric (both positively and negatively charged) [Note: a surfactant will be primary /secondary, and anionic/cationic/non-ionic/amphoteric as the categories describe different properties] Most primary surfactants are anionic because the negatively charged head can form strong ‘hydrogen bonds’ with ...
Al2O3 is amphoteric. What does this mean? In the equation w = -PDeltaV, why is there a negative sign? Which is larger? K^+ or Ar ? What does 'predictions' mean in a lab report? How are 1-butyne and 2-butyne different from each other?
Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a compound that fits the explanation. Define the term electrolyte cell. Define the term ionization suppressor used in chemistry. What does it mean to say that the ions of an electrolyte behave independently of one another when ...
What does the term paramagnetism mean? Define the term radical as used in chemistry. Define "Lattice Energy" as used in the chemistry world of energy. Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a compound that fits the explanation. ...
Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a compound that fits the explanation. Activity series is a term used commonly in chemistry. What does it mean? Define the word "empirical" as it applies to chemistry. Define the term sputtering used in chemistry. What...
Al2O3 is amphoteric. What does this mean? Define the term decant. Define the term secondary carbon. Trans-stilbene is a solid whereas cis-stilbene is a liquid. What might be a reason for this difference in physical property? Explain why cis-1-chloro-2-methylcyclohexane undergoes E2 eliminati...
Explain ion association in solution. Also, explain why the term "ion pairing" is sometimes used to describe this phenomenon. Define the term radiation buffer used in chemistry. What does the term "chirality" mean? Ionic compounds are made up of electrically charged particles, Why does n...