What does the term synthesis mean in chemistry? Define the term distillate. Define what is Saturated compounds? Explain the meaning of Allotropes. What is meant by normal boiling point? What is reversed phase chromatography ? Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a...
Explain what is meant by the term amphoteric. Give an example of a compound that fits the explanation. Define the term electrolyte cell. Define the term ionization suppressor used in chemistry. What does it mean to say that the ions of an electrolyte behave independently of one another when ...
Al2O3 is amphoteric. What does this mean? Define the term decant. Define the term secondary carbon. Trans-stilbene is a solid whereas cis-stilbene is a liquid. What might be a reason for this difference in physical property? Explain why cis-1-chloro-2-methylcyclohexane undergoes E2 eliminati...
What is meant by the term homogeneous precipitation? What does the term applied magnetic field mean? Clearly and concisely define the terms and provide examples of halogens. Define the term: ductile. Define and illustrate the terms clearly and concisely inner transition elements. What properties of...