In Thailand, curry paste does not normally include oil, water, lime or vinegar (unlikechili pasteswhich are used for other dishes). These elements can be added to the curry dish itself but are not blended into the curry paste. A typicalbasic curry pastein Thailand would consist of dried re...
distinct flavors, are quick to cook, and their strength of flavor does not diminish, but rather continues to evolve once cooked. These meats also lend themselves so well to spices like juniper, mace, allspice and some hefty splashes of Port or brandy, further enhancing the deliciousness...
The Autoimmune Protocol does not only consist of dietary changes, but also incorporates lifestyle changes as well.There are four areas of that should also be considered throughout all phases of AIP: Sleep Stress management Movement Connection (to others and nature) Through careful evaluation of the...
I add a little bit of applesauce. Then, I sprinkle in cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. I put some whipped topping on top, and I sprinkle graham cracker crumbs on it. I usually dip through the top part and down into the shake with a spoon so that I can get the flavor ...