What is a mass spectrum ? Protein Identification using Mass Spectrometry What is a mass spectrum ? Half massBinz, Pierrealain
How much of a sample is "enough" to obtain a good 1H NMR spectrum? Does it matter which type of spectrometer is being used? Define the terms matter and mass. What is the difference between a total-ion chromatogram and a mass chromatogram? Describe the process of chromatography and how it...
SPECSpectrum SPECSpecimen SPECSpectrometry SPECStandard Performance Evaluation Corp.(computer benchmarks; Gainesville, VA) SPECSpelling Corrections SPECSociety Promoting Environmental Conservation SPECStakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication(US IRS) ...
If you've shopped for an HDTV, a PlayStation, or an HD-DVD or Blu-ray player, you've probably heard about HDMI. Before we get too far along, you're probably wondering, "What does HDMI stand for?" The answer is "high-definition multimedia interface," and it's one of the...
This appearance of Mercury does, however, have some things going for it. First off, the ecliptic sits at a favorable viewing angle, roughly perpendicular to the western horizon at dusk for mid- to high northern latitude observers. This gives Mercury a bit of a “boost” out of the weeds....
Cyanosis is a bluish colour given by high levels of de-oxyhaemoglobin in the blood, but this is not related to eye colour. So where does blue come from as there is no blue pigment in the eye? The explanation for why some eyes are blue is the same as why the sky is blue, a ...
(MathOverflow users with enough privileges to see deleted answers will find that there are no less than seventeen deleted attempts at a proof in response to this question!) On the other hand, the one surviving response to the question does point out this paper of Poonen which shows that ...
A moving target “Nowadays, [hi-fi] is kind of a moving target depending who you ask. Many would say the higher the better, but keep in mind, the bit rate/word depth number does not always tell the whole story. Quality or ‘fidelity’ also depends largely on the original recording, ...
2020). In practice, debarking often does not remove all the bark from a piece of round wood (Fig. 3C). Trees do not grow perfectly round and excessive debarking would be required to address the natural variations in the shape of the tree stem, which could damage the underlying wood and...
M87 is a classic example. If radio galaxies are the product of mergers, does this mean there were fewer radio galaxies in the past? How might astrophysicists look for evidence for this model of radio galaxy evolution? Again, we need to distinguish between the high and the low excitation ...