Essentially, when you put two or more points together you create a line. A line can be lyrically defined as a point in motion. There are many different types of lines, all characterized by their length being greater than their width. Lines can be static or dynamic depending on how the ar...
The Concept of the Corporation was in many ways a fanfare to big organisations. As Drucker said, “We know today that in modern industrial production, particularly in modern mass production, the small unit is not only inefficient, it cannot produce at all.” The book helped to launch the ...
including what they term “personally and societally disruptive acts” including everything from school shootings to homicide tomass murder. They acknowledge the importance of acquiring insight into revenge predictors, yet also know, as threat assessors can attest, that acts of revenge are...
i nfrared having or using electromagnetic waves which are longer than those of red light in the spectrum, and which cannot be seen8. r adiation powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances9. glacier a large mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains, that...
a form of “genetic rescue”,’ explains Shapiro. She prefers to focus the debate on how this emerging technology could be used to fully understand why various species went extinct in the first place, and therefore how we could use it to make genetic modifications which could prevent mass ...
and thechange is apparent across the socioeconomic spectrum, Twenge said." Even in families whose parents didn't have a college education.. familiesare smaller, and the idea that children need to be carefully 53 hasreally sunk in. " The_54 of " adult activities" could not be attributedto...
@Wodger: I took on board two ideas sparked by remarks from ZXSpectrum. The first was the idea that one might have similar risk in bonds by holding 2 units of a 10 duration bond or 1 unit each of cash and a 20 duration bond. This is probably a gross oversimplification. ...
Mass spectrometry peptides were processed via Spectrum Mill MS Proteomics Workbench v.6.0. Additional code for computational tools used in this study is listed here: PhyloCSF ( for 29-mammal alignment, Slncky (, STARS v.1.3 (...
Against the backcloth of a digitalized world, the prospect of pencils seems bleak. In reality, it does not. The application of pencils has by now become so widespread that they can be seen everywhere, such as classrooms, meeting rooms and art rooms, etc. A spectrum of users are likely to...
Genome-wide analysis shows that smORFs are conserved across diverse species, and the functional characterization of their peptides reveals their critical role in a broad spectrum of regulatory mechanisms. Further analysis of small ORFs is likely throw light on many exciting, unexplored regulatory ...