What is the disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules? Which metabolic pathway produces the most ATP? A. The oxidation of one molecule of glucose. B. The anaerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose. C. The oxidation of a triglyceride with each fatty ...
Plants store carbohydrates as starch, which is actually just a complex form of carbohydrate built from glucose. The stored starch can then be used at... Learn more about this topic: Starch vs. Glycogen | Differences, Functions & Uses
However, I do understand that glucose syrup is not digested in the same way as sugar, and that there are some inherent issues with that. My whole point is, if you take it in small amounts, in moderation, your body can handle it. It's just when it comes to the larger amounts that...
What are the main classes of large biological molecules? Which class does not consist of polymers? What is the evolutionary basis of enzymes? Enzyme complexes that break down protein are called ___. What do enzymes do to food? What is a substrate called after the enzymes let go? What...
The first step is understanding how your body responds to sugar, so you can start to make healthier choices. How do we know if your sugar response is healthy? In our PREDICT studies, we test everyone’s response to glucose using a standardized test called the oral...
Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is an important secondary messenger molecule. This molecule will begin what is called a phosphorylation cascade to amplify a cellular signal. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Adenylate Cyclase Pathway | Overview, Molecules & Importance ...
reactions between the non-elemental forms of the two elements do form molecules containing the carbon-hydrogen bond which is found in most, if not all organic compounds–like glucose. Its high reactivity to electronegative elements, including oxygen, results in strong bonds with those elements called...
Maltose is mostly found in germinating grain, particularly barley, and is less sweet than glucose, fructose and sucrose. Maltose consists of two glucose molecules bound together. High Fructose Corn Syrup High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sugar replacement that is slightly sweeter than sucrose....
Sucrose is composed of A) two molecules of fructose. B) two molecules of glucose. C) a molecule of fructose and a molecule of glucose. D) a molecule of fructose and a molecule of galactose. E) two molecules of galactose. Lactose is a disaccharide. What two monosaccharid...
What is the NET ATP production when two molecules of glucose are fermented to lactic acid? What provides the phosphate for synthesis of ATP from ADP? What function does ATP serve inside cells? What is the ATP yield of anaerobic cellular respiration? What are the 3 main stages of cellular re...