But the general conception which the Rabbis had formed of the Messiah, differed totally from what was presented by the Prophet of Nazareth. Thus, what is the fundamental divergence between the two may be said to have existed long before the events which finally divided them. It is the ...
Additionally, Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and through faith in his death and resurrection, there is salvation. Messianic Jews adhere to the teaching of the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, yet believe that the promised Messiah was Jesus Christ the Son of God. Judaism and...
Why do Jews do tzedakah? Tzedakah isan ethical obligation that the Torah mandates, also known as a “mitzvah,” or law. Many Jews give tzedakah before Shabbat (the sabbath) and festivals (such as Purim and Shavuot). Its intention is to show the Jewish people's determination to improve the...
One of the first Jews to recognize baby Jesus as the promised Messiah called him "a light of revelation" (Luke 2:32). This metaphor of light only makes sense against a background of darkness. 1. Darkness points to the simple fact of human ignorance. Those who are "in the dark" ...
As the holy city of the righteous King to come, Jerusalem is called by His name. Jesus is Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Our Righteousness The prophet Micah wrote that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah (Micah 5:3; Matthew 2:4-6). The human genealogies of Jesus, ...
What do Jews believe about Jesus? What is the Book of Numbers called in Hebrew? Who was anointed in the Old Testament? Who is the leader of Judaism? What is a naming ceremony in Judaism? Who is the founder of Judaism? What is the anothefr name for the Old Testament?
Do we exist simply to glorify God, or does bearing the image of God mean we have a greater responsibility? As Christians, we tend to think we have to divide secular and sacred, but as the guys will unpack, this doesn?t have to be the case and we can choose to reflect God and his...
What do Jews believe about Jesus? Are Jesus and Krishna the same person? What is modalism in theology? Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
Now Zechariah was to encourage them and keep them moving ahead. He reminded them of God’s promises, especially the promise that the Messiah would one day inhabit the temple. I imagine the people returned to Jerusalem excited to start rebuilding. But they must have lost their enthusiasm when ...
Of course, we know from Jewish history that this repentance did not last long, for very soon after Jesus began his ministry, many of the Jews reverted back to their old ways of living, and ended up rejecting Christ as the Messiah, and this led them deeper and deeper into sin, until in...