1.(Judaism)Judaismthe awaited redeemer of the Jews, to be sent by God to free them 2.(Theology) Jesus Christ, when regarded in this role 3.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an exceptional or hoped for liberator of a country or people ...
Messiah noun /məˈsaɪə/ /məˈsaɪə/ the Messiah [singular] (in Judaism) a king who will be sent by God to save the Jewish people, as promised in the Hebrew BibleTopics Religion and festivalsc2 Questions about grammar and vocabulary? Find the answers with Practica...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook mashiach Wikipedia (məˈʃiɑx) n (Judaism)Judaismthe messiah [Hebrew, literally: anointed; compare Messiah] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
Judaism the messiah Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of mashiach1 Hebrew, literally: anointed; compare Messiah Word of the DayApril 17, 2024axolotl [ak-suh-lot-l ]Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you...
While some religious groups perceive the role of savior and Messiah as one and the same (such as many sects of Christianity), other religions separate the two definitions. For instance, in Judaism, the Messiah will be a political leader who claims the throne of Israel and saves the Jewish ...
1875–80; <Late LatinMessīān-,stem ofMessīāsMessiah+-ism Discover More Example Sentences “Anybody writing 12,000 words on psychedelia, messianism, loss of faith, writing a novel and dreaming of a Judaism that reflects our values is of interest to Jewish Currents,” said Mr. Plitman, who...
The Rastafari religion believes Haile Selassie was God's reincarnation and the Messiah who will save believers to the promised land. Rastafarians believe in the existence of one true God, called Jah. They think that Jah has reincarnated several times on earth, including in the form of Jesus. ...
familiar with the composers of Italy, be has blundered intodepreciationof Gluck's inspired music. There is the great and glorious contrast which your majesty presents to Frederick of Prussia; and the German people, whom he has despised, will look up to you, sire, as to the Messiah of......
2.the Christian belief that Jesus Christ was the Messiah prophesied. 3.the vocation of a Messiah.— Messianic,adj. See also:Judaism -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank...
a. of or relating to the Messiah, his awaited deliverance of the Jews, or the new age of peace expected to follow this b. of or relating to Jesus Christ or the salvation believed to have been brought by him 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a. of or relating to any popular le...