Digital image correlation(DIC) describes the surface displacement measurement technique of capturing a solid object's motion, shape and deformation. It is difficult to achieve reliable and high-quality DIC results but easy to obtain rudimentary DIC results. Also, seeimagingandimage metadata....
IaC should use declarative definition files if possible. A definition file describes the components and configuration that an environment requires, but not necessarily how to achieve that configuration. For example, the file might define a required server version and configuration, but not specify the...
Train a model by callingFit(IDataView)on the pipeline Evaluate the model and iterate to improve Save the model into binary format, for use in an application Load the model back into anITransformerobject Make predictions by callingPredictionEngineBase<TSrc,TDst>.Predict ...
And here’s one from the CouchDB introductory article, which describes a book: XML Copy { "Subject": "I like Plankton" "Author": "Rusty" "PostedDate": "5/23/2006" "Tags": ["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"] "Body": "I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like pla...
Hidden layers fine-tune the input weightings until the neural network’s margin of error is minimal. It is hypothesized that hidden layers extrapolate salient features in the input data that have predictive power regarding the outputs. This describes feature extraction, which accomplishes a utility ...
Elizabeth Reinhart, Data & AI Analytics Capability Building Senior Manager at Allianz, describes the importance of aligning learning objectives to business objectives in this case study. We have set different learning objectives for data analytics skills, depending on the different target groups, and ...
Understanding how a Database as a Service (DBaaS) works involves two key components: Shared Responsibility Model: Defines the responsibilities of both the Cloud Database Operator (CDO) and the user. Control Plane: Describes how the CDO’s management tools interact with the user’s ...
agnostic, and it allows you to iterate on your transactional applications without having to deal with schema or index management. In contrast to this, Azure Cosmos DB analytical store is schematized to optimize for analytical query performance. This article describes in detailed about analytical ...
example, if you capture a customized Windows image on drive D, you must always deploy that image onto drive D of the destination computer. The following list describes the partition settings that must be identical across the reference and destination computers when you use theimagex /applycommand...
The termsAI, machine learning and deep learningare often used interchangeably, especially in companies' marketing materials, but they have distinct meanings. In short, AI describes the broad concept of machines simulating human intelligence, while machine learning anddeep learningare specific techniques ...