one could say either the Homininae or the hominines. The genus and species names (commonly called the "scientific name") are always written in italics, and the genus starts with a capital letter whereas the species is always lowercase. Note that the species name is never written alone, ...
There isn't a clear line between humans and our close relatives, and researchers use either anatomy or behavior to separate human remains from the rest. Anatomists argue that H. sapiens can be identified by their skeletons, while some archaeologists say that behavior is what defines modern humans...
Whitehead Institute scientists have created a checklist that defines the "naive" state of cultured human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Such cells can mature into almost any cell type and more closely resemble the unique molecular features of pluripotent cells in the early human embryo than convention...
Morris defines social development as “a group’s ability to master its physical and intellectual environment to get things done” ([26, p. 144]). 11. CNN Money 2012 ranking. 12. See 13. See Fig. 3.1. This order of magnitude fits the real numbers ([28, p...