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Support is obtained through the recalculated uranium series with electron spin resonance date of 286 ± 32 thousand years ago for a tooth from the Irhoud 3 hominin mandible. These ages are also consistent with the faunal and microfaunal9 assemblages and almost double the previous age ...
We use the term “Arabian” in this study to refer to samples from the Arabian Peninsula (Emirati, Saudi, and Yemeni), Levantine for Syrians and Jordanians, and Iraqi-Arabs and Iraqi-Kurds for samples from Iraq. (B) Temporally aware model-based clustering using ~88,000 transversions and ...
These hominin fossils are consistent with Homo erectus, potentially making these the oldest postcranial fossils attributable to the taxon. Finally, we contextualize the paleohabitat in East Turkana Area 13 through faunal abundance data, isotopic analyses of mammalian dental enamel, and petrographic data...
Garcia, J., 2015. Long-term hominin occupation during the Middle and early Late Pleistocene: Chronostratigraphy of the Ter River basin (Girona, North-eastern Spain). J. Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 3, 493-512.Garcia, J., 2015. Long-term hominin occupation during the Middle and early Late ...
The term “missing link,” which goes back to the Victorian era, is a frequently misused word that generally refers to key transitional species in the history of life. Although many fossils are glibly labeled missing links, there is one especially fundamental species in the record of human evol...
Adj.1.Caucasoid- of or relating to Caucasian people Caucasian white- of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration; "voting patterns within the white population" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
First, let’s take on the term that Bloom uses, “counterintuitive,” which is laden with so much baggage it needs four porters to be brought to the room. It is both unnecessary and telling to use that exact phrase to describe the hypothetical ideal research paradigm. It is also, arguably...
The problem is that, for many decades, the nameH. erectushas been used as a blanket term to refer to almost any hominin found in Asia during the Pleistocene until the appearance ofHomo sapiens. Recent fossil and genetic data suggested that the taxonomies of the Asian hominins may have been ...
the year over the examined time frame. Therefore, a scenario of nomadic mobility,i.e.,irregular inter- or intra-annual movement patterns within the Megalopolis basin, is most likely for MAR-1A-5. Such a hypothesised pattern of long-term recursion —the return to a previously utilised foraging...