Simply put, if it felt traumatic to you, it counts. Now, having grounded us in the realization that trauma is subjective and highly personal, there are still proverbial buckets of experiences we can categorize as traumatic events and circumstances, helping us answer the first part of...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Sex & Relationships Make V-Day the Sexiest Night of the Year 35 Ways to Celebrate V-Day Solo No More Guessing: What Men Really Want for V-Day All the Best Places to Buy Sex Toys Online Poly on V-Day? Read This. ...
“ Carlos: You bought an eight-year-old girl a $1,400 purse? Gabrielle: Oh, lighten up. It's not like I got her the matching wallet. ” —CarlosandGabrielle,The Thing That Counts is What's Inside Gallery Gallery of photographic stills released to promote the episode. ...
There are wider questions here about what counts as history, and whether history must be necessarily cool-headed and objective, not relieved by colour or comedy or complicated by messy, judgement-clouding emotion. But the tangle of story and history surrounding the strike suggests that the event...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 3 Min Read How PTSD Affects the Quality of Your Life The impact trauma can have on your daily functioning. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 4 Min Read Your Brain on Resentment Resentment acts as protection, preserving a fighting spirit and ...
What counts as a microaggression? Let’s set aside the brazen, loud-and-proud, mouth-frothing Confederate flag-waving racists that sling around the N-word. Many of the things they do are, of course, “macro” aggressions. Most reasonable people would agree that such behavior is egregious....
These amendments have been the topic of several prominent lawsuits and one traumatic suicide, forever shrouding the CFAA in controversy. Today, the CFAA is the leading federal law that protects digital information from unauthorized access. The law governs every computer connected to the internet and ...
In reality, as soon as that person has a grasp of the operation, and know what they are doing, they become the Assistant Supply Sergeant. For the past few years, 92Y’s have been making Sergeant in two to three years. The nine week AIT (Advanced Individual Training) for 92Y covers ...
Illustrated by:Tristan Offit. As much as it sucks, anxiety doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Without a little bit of it, you wouldn’t make sure to show up on time to that job interview or to put in effort to impress your bosses. Ideally, the right amount of anxiety commands your...
Keep your sugar intake as low as you can. Use stevia, honey, rapadura sugar, molasses, maple syrup instead when you need sweetness. Here are some healthy treat recipes to get you started. I teach my kids to save their sugar for when it counts – this means you only have a sugar item...