Simply put, if it felt traumatic to you, it counts. Now, having grounded us in the realization that trauma is subjective and highly personal, there are still proverbial buckets of experiences we can categorize as traumatic events and circumstances, helping us answer the first part of...
Aaron Swartz (2011): Swartz entered an MIT wiring closet and set up his laptop to complete a mass download of articles on the database JSTOR. He avoided attempts by MIT to stop his activities by spoofing his MAC address. The court indicted Swartz on multiple counts. The judge dismissed ...
What counts as a slow burn? noun Informal. a gradual building up of anger, as opposed to an immediate outburst: I did a slow burn as the conversation progressed. What is Canon divergence in fanfiction? A canon divergence AU is a term used in some fandoms for fanfiction set in a univer...
For more serious issues or traumatic events, Lazer Tapping is a fabulous tool you can learn yourself. My kids actually ask me to do it for them now, since they’ve seen repeatedly how effective it is. You can join me for a free session here. 4. A standard western diet. If your ...
After I enlisted in the army in 1961, I became an infantryman (machinegunner) in a rifle company in the 82nd Airborne Division. I remember three 19 year-olds being promoted to sergeant. One retired as a lieutenant colonel, one as a major, and one as a Command Sergeant Major. That was...
A traumatic event from childhood could make you feel uncomfortable when flirting You're asexual and don't have any interest in sex or being with someone romantically You are in denial about your sexuality The environment isn't safe The person is a stranger, and you don't feel safe ...
normal. Abnormal platelet levels can cause symptoms such as too many blood clots or excessive bleeding, although you may not have any symptoms at all. Whether you need treatment and the type of treatment will depend on what is causing your low or high platelet counts and how it's affecting...
Based on your choices, this quiz will let you know if you have "Big City Britches", a "Resting B***h Face", are you "Country as Cornbread"? Do you have "Small Town Charm" in your bones, or are you an artsy-fartsy type who deserves to live your best life in an eclectic ...
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin is another household name that can be recognized even by those who have never seen a single WWE event. That’s because Austin has also created a successful career for himself as an actor/producer and has appeared and helped to put to...
A child who is having trouble focusing at school may merely be bored — intellectually gifted but not stimulated by the curriculum. Some children misdiagnosed with ADHD are showing the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. “An extremely traumatic event, such as a death in the ...