The only question is whether it will be done cooperatively like the survivors of Uruguayan Air Force flight 571 in 1972, by some sort of lottery as shipwrecked sailors often did, according to racial or other rankings as in the Donner Party, or just degenerate into a kind of survival of the...
Historically, retirement was seen as something people did once they had to—you quit working because you were too old or became ill. Others lost their jobs due to layoffs or downsizing and found that retirement was the only option. In comparison, there’s something appealing about the idea of...
But V died from brain trauma and by luck (and DeShawn’s crappy gun which he named “Plan B”) it did just enough damage that the chip detected the host body as a relatively blank slate but not properly dead yet. Reply WWWebb says: Wednesday Apr 20, 2022 at 8:52 pm So I ...
According to your statements the game is unplayable anyway and ppl like me who dont encounter many hackers are the minority so all of you quitting should have a significant impact on the playercounts and make them notice davidj123456 Sherpa 3.4k Posted...
Sometimes, these songs are written for the drama; at other times, they are pre-existing songs that are selected for use in the drama.
check to see if it’s plugged in. If power isn’t the problem, reboot. Those two solve about half of the tech traumas I face in the classroom. There are eighteen more I’m equally prepared for. Track yours by writing each down as it happens. Soon, you’ll find it’s the same ...