prescription drugs, and narcotics can be used to alleviate the pain of trauma leading to dependency and an even lower quality of life. One of the key areas of therapy is tostop drug addiction before
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) The Link Between NVS & Addiction April 15...
Your addiction-struggling brother chose drugs over visiting your mother in the hospital when she was terminally ill, leaving you to make end-of-life decisions per her wishes. Now that she’s gone, he’s loudly proclaiming to anyone who will listen thatyou killed her. How should you handle ...
Dr. dos Santos emphasizes the need for more controlled clinical trials: “While the preclinical and observational evidence is encouraging, we need more rigorous clinical studies to understand the optimal therapeutic applications.”
Examples of these destructive behaviors range from the societally approved, such as workaholism, to the criminally punishable, such as drug addiction and violence. Men aretwice as likelyas women to suffer from rage disorders. According to theCenters for Disease Control, men are more likely to dri...
Reddit WhatsApp Email Tumblr Pinterest Twitter Facebook Print LinkedIn first published at by Phoebe Sparrow Wagner I used to be “crazy.” Labeled CMI, chronically mentally ill, prone to psychosis, i was a revolving door mental patient, one who spent almost as much time...
Why and how this happens are the questions the book sets out to answer. Drawing on detailed clinical material, the author gives special attention to the problems of addiction and psychosomatic disorder, as well as the broad topic of dissociation and its treatment. By focusing on the archaic ...