Let These Brooklyn Couples Show You What Love Is Therapists Weigh In on Rachael and Matt’s Breakup 10 Polyamory Terms You’ve Probably Never Heard Of How to Do the Bulldog Sex Position How to Win 'The Bachelor' (Sort Of) Should You Text Your Ex This V-Day?
For the past 20+ years, I have been helping people heal personal and generational trauma – the kind of trauma that leads to isolation, depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide. I started this work because I needed to; if I hadn't, I would be dead. ...
A family that is containing trauma in the form of addiction or abuse produces relationship dynamics that perpetuate relationship trauma. According to Steven Krugman, the impact of trauma on the family system has three main components. First isconstrictionleading to enmeshment; second isavoidanceleading ...
Intermittent, extended access to preferred food leads to escalated food reinforcement and cyclic whole-body metabolism in rats: Sex differences and individual vulnerability. Physiol Behav. 2018;192:3–16. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Rupprecht LE, Kreisler AD, Spierling SR, de...
Atraumaticbond is anattachmentformed between two people based on abuse, betrayal, and manipulation (i.e., forms ofrepeated traumaticexperiences) which ultimately leads to difficulty walking away and addictive cycles within the relationship. Both partners typically have extensive histories of relat...
Moreover, internet addiction (IA), also known as Pathological Internet Use, Internet Addiction Disorder, and Problematic Internet Use that affects daily life and leads to stress in social relationships [17], also is found the significant correlation with mental health problems. Multiple cross-...
It is unusual for a patient who died 103 years ago to speak to us so eloquently for himself. However, through letters and paintings, van Gogh illustrates his own case in such an astonishingly vibrant manner that he leads us to a greater insight and knowledge of the damage caused by trauma...
Health behaviors are perhaps the most robust predictors of biological aging, with the expectation that unhealthy behavior leads to poor health through accelerated aging, at least in part. Accelerated aging is associated with heavy alcohol use [150,151], cannabis use [152], diet [153,154,155,156...
Lack emotional empathy, which leads to them feeling indifferent to their partner’s emotional and physical pain. Lack whole object relations—the ability to form a realistic, stable, and integrated view of themselves and other people. Instead, they split and can only see people in ...
"When a baby cries and is comforted, endorphins are released—so if loving interactions like this don't happen, this system may develop differently and could become more sensitive to the rewarding effects of opioid drugs." Professor Celia Morgan, of the University of Exeter, who leads the rese...