Links from the ook world: I've resolved to only read the books I really want to read, The Truth About Fiction; the bestseller list is not mathematically objective; it is editorial content, which is protected by the First Amendment, What Counts as a Bestseller? - Public Books; What's new...
Classical music emphasizes the one and three counts of a 4/4 measure, making it impossible to swing since the rolling, galloping feel of swung music naturally emphasizes the two and four. Swing feel is an artistic decision Truthfully swung rhythm defies music theory, in that you can’t really...
Apple has more than 1.4 billion active iPhones, iPads, TVs, and Macs around the globe to leverage for Apple Music; Amazon has sold more than 100 million devices with its Alexa personal assistant and counts more than 100 million members of Prime, ...
Also, some of the techniques were added later than others, so the total spammer counts may vary a bit from technique to technique.There is some uncertainty in the statistics because the sample sizes are so small. The more exposure we get, the better the statistics will become....
At the risk of jinxing our luck, it finally seems publishers have gotten the memo that today’s readers are looking for more action and less heaviness, shorter page counts and bigger servings of humor. There are some big crowd pleasers here. There are also some quieter, thoughtful reads ...
“It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Both of these sayings are true. But the problem is, when it comes to books, no one’s going to bother to find out what’s on the inside! They’ll assume that if very little effort was put ...
In fact, from 2016 until 2020, he starred in "The Ranch," a Netflix show about an ex-athlete who returns to his family's small town ranch. The show also starred Sam Elliot and Danny Masterson. Masterson waswritten out of the showin 2018 after he was charged with three counts of ...
Time is money, and this is especially true during recording sessions. Often, the studio is rented by the hour or by the day, and the musicians and the engineer are paid by the hour or the day. So every minute counts, not only in terms of the money spent but relative to the outcome...
Amazon has sold more than 100 million devices with its Alexa personal assistant and counts more than 100 million members of Prime, both of which allow for access to its music catalog. Whereas Spotify must fight for every eyeball on someone else’s device, its well-heeled rivals can activate ...
Either way though IANAL and this is just my personal opinion which could be incorrect on either or both counts. Hmm... sorry for not being clear enough. That was pure speculation; kind of a reasoning I gave for myself as one possible explanation why some publishers are so eager to ...