What are the signs and symptoms of CAP?Cough that may bring up green, yellow, or bloody mucus Fever, chills, or severe shaking Shortness of breath Breathing and heartbeat that are faster than usual Pain in your chest or back when you breathe in or cough Fatigue and loss of appetite ...
Symptoms may be mild at first. Most common are cough showing mucus or blood; high fever with shaking chills; shortness of breath; headache; fatigue; and sharp chest pain on deep breathing or coughing. Medical care is needed right away. If not treated,viral pneumoniacan lead to respiratory a...
You have chills, shaking, or fever. You have very dry skin, dry mouth and tongue, or feel very thirsty. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Care Agreement You have the right to help plan your care. Learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. Di...
Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of humans and animals and spread disease when they bite. Fever, chills, headache, and rash are common symptoms of an infection after a tick bite. If you see a tick on your skin, try to remove it with tweezers. See a doctor if you can’t ...
A sarcastic phrase used to emphasize that one is not actually scared of someone or something. That scrawny twerp wants to fight me? Ooh, I'm shaking! What is it called when your body shivers? Severe chills with violent shivering are calledrigors. Rigors occur because the patient's body is...
Shaking Sweating or chills Shortness of breath Rapid breathing Racing heart Nausea Dizziness Feeling like you’re choking or being smothered Derealization (feeling detached from reality) Depersonalization (feeling detached from yourself or like you’re having an out-of-body experience) ...
Seasonal influenza ("the flu") in adults is also caused by the Influenza A or B viruses. The flu can be unpredictable and flu symptoms can range from mild to severe. Flu symptoms in adults are often the same as in children: fever, chills, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or...
They live all around us in our communities and on our college campuses. Most will never be violent toward others, but thousands will be violent toward themselves. Yet their brain disorders appear not to matter to us. Until, as always, it is too late. Any Google search will find plenty ...
You are urinating very little or not at all. You have a high fever with shaking chills. You have side or back pain that gets worse.When should I call my doctor?You have a fever. You do not feel better after 2 days of taking antibiotics. You have new symptoms, such as blood or ...
Trembling or shaking. Symptoms of a panic attack are usually short-lived, lasting around 10-15 minutes. Some people may feel like they are having a heart attack and call 911. The most significant symptom of a panic attack is feeling a sense of immediate threat, which may cause a person ...