What are the signs and symptoms of CAP?Cough that may bring up green, yellow, or bloody mucus Fever, chills, or severe shaking Shortness of breath Breathing and heartbeat that are faster than usual Pain in your chest or back when you breathe in or cough Fatigue and loss of appetite ...
Symptoms may be mild at first. Most common are cough showing mucus or blood; high fever with shaking chills; shortness of breath; headache; fatigue; and sharp chest pain on deep breathing or coughing. Medical care is needed right away. If not treated,viral pneumoniacan lead to respiratory a...
You have chills, shaking, or fever. You have very dry skin, dry mouth and tongue, or feel very thirsty. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Care Agreement You have the right to help plan your care. Learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. Di...
However, the CDC has recently reported that people are experiencing new symptoms such as repeated shaking or shivering with chills, muscle pain, headache, and new loss of taste or smell. If you have COVID-19 and develop a high fever and cough with difficulty breathing, you may have COVID-...
A sudden penetrating sense of cold, especially one that causes a brief trembling nerve response through the body; the trembling response itself; often associated with illness: fevers and chills, or susceptibility to illness. Close the window or you'll catch a chill. I felt a chill when the ...
Chills Headache Extreme tiredness Joint stiffness Achy or painful muscles Swollen glands Nausea or vomiting Rashes are another common symptom. Infections such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease cause a rash that looks like: Small red or purple spots ...
Once potential danger was recognized, the actors on the French train all experienced a measurable “pucker factor” event – a sudden physiological reaction to extreme fear. Activated by the most reliable human emotion (fear), our heroes leapt into quick, bold, positive action rather than freeze...
Chills or hot flushes. Individuals may also find themselves having psychological symptoms including: Fear of losing control Fear of death Fear of fainting An overwhelming feeling of dread Claustrophobia and Air Travel Being in an airplane provides a myriad of potential triggers to set off anxiety re...
Basicly a sense of Deja Vu comes over me, then a chill and pain acompanies it and I feel I have to leave whatever I am doing. By the time I come out I am depressed then the chills go away. Anyone know what this is? Reply ...
Each month my period would drain me – light-headedness, weepiness, low mood, chills, hot flashes, headaches, bloating, breast pain and extreme tiredness, which typically begins two weeks before my bleed. I’d feel the normally fun and energised Kelly turning into a paranoid, low and physi...