the spinal nerves and/or spinal nerve roots. Most people acquire spinal stenosis in these ways. For others, the cause may be a traumatic injury, which can occur at any age. Sometimes other conditions may cause the condition, such as exposure to excess fluoride, Paget’s disease, tumors in ...
The inflammation may lead to changes in the joint’s soft tissues. For example, the facet joint’s synovial membrane may thicken and produce less viscous—and less lubricating—fluid. The friction may also cause the vertebral bones to produce excess tissue, resulting in bone spurs and/or enlarg...
A lumbar puncture can be done to measure the amyloid and tau levels in spinal fluid; this test can help to identify most people with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurological Exam A neurological exam that tests strength, sensation, reflexes, and eye movements can evaluate for medical conditions that ma...
According tothe BrainInjury Association of America, after an impact or injury to the head, an individual can experience a variety of symptoms. Common symptoms of abrain injuryinclude: Spinal fluid (thin, clear liquid) coming out of the ears or nose Loss of consciousness, coma, or semi-comato...
Did you know that 50% of bedwetting finds excess fluid intake as the culprit? It's true, even adults find themselves rushing to the toilet because of a full bladder due to extra liquid intake. Toilet Routine Make sure your child has easy access to the toilet. Some parents already prep ...
cerebrovascular disease, where blood flow in the brain or spinal cord is disrupted; stroke is a major cerebrovascular complication that can occur in Fabry.Fabry disease kidney problems and heart complications are leading causes of premature death in Fabry patients.While...
Its main job is to make and move lymph, a clear fluid that contains white blood cells. The lymphatic system also removes excess lymph fluid from the body's tissues and returns it to the blood. Nervous: The nervous system controls both voluntary actions, such as conscious movements, and ...
Kidney failure often happens slowly and ultimately results in waste and excess fluid building up in your body. This can make you extremely sick. Other symptoms of kidney failure include: Tiredness Trouble sleeping Weakness Itching Poor appetite ...
When a spinal disc, slips and presses onto a nerve, is what causes pain in a slipped disc. A slipped disc causes pain on right side of body, in the back. It often radiates down to the hip and leg.Looking for other causes that could result in severe body aches? Head this way, to...
While it is unclear exactly what causes forms of spina bifida, it is thought that it may be a combination of factors. Environmental and genetic risk factors may contribute to meningomyelocele. A deficiency of folic acid, which is a B vitamin, is also likely. To help lower the risk of ...