When you have inflammation, your body releases chemicals into your blood or affected tissues. These chemicals boost blood flow to an area of injury or infection and may cause redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause fluid to leak into your tissues, and that can bring on swelling. This...
Good hygiene and the regular use of antibacterial soaps can help prevent bacteria from building up on the skin. This can reduce the chance for the hair follicles to become infected and prevent the formation of boils. In some situations, a health care professional may recommend special cleansers...
A spinal tap (lumbar puncture), a test in which some cerebrospinal fluid is taken from your spine and tested for infection, inflammation, and signs of certain diseases Paralysis Complications Depending on the type of paralysis you have and its location, you might develop complications such as: T...
The spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are common areas of bone fractures from osteoporosis although osteoporosis-related fractures can occur in almost any skeletal bone. Why is osteoporosis an important public health issue? In the U.S., 44 million people have a low bone density (10 million have...
Knee:Knee pain may act up after running or long walks. It’s often triggered by going up or down stairs. These activities put weight on the joint, compressing the already narrowed joint space so bones get even closer together, which may trigger pain. Plus, the joint fluid and cartilage—...
s foot rolls under as he or she stands or walks, this is referred to as knuckling. Because the dog may end up dragging the foot, paw knuckling can cause physical injury to the top or sides of the foot. This is due to the dog standing on the top of their paw rather than on the ...
Childhood represents a period of significant growth and maturation for the brain, and is also associated with a heightened risk for mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). There is also concern that repeated-mTBI (r-mTBI) may have a long-term impact on developmental trajectories. Using an awake ...
Your lower back muscles (aka the paraspinal muscles) run either side of your spine. When working together they keep you up tall when walking and running. When acting in isolation on either side, they work together with your stabilising hip muscles, on the opposite side to control movement at...
Any sign of basal skull fracture (blood behind the eardrum, blackened eyes, clear fluid running from the ears, or bruising behind the ear) Vomiting - two episodes 65 years of age or older Medium risk (for brain injury on CT) Amnesia before impact - more than 30 minutes Dangerous mechanism...
Tenosynovitis takes several forms depending on the location of the trauma and is distinguished by a sudden building of fluid within the sheath of the tendon accompanied by pain, heat and lameness. Septic tenosynovitis is the result of bacterial infection resulting in pus and inflammatory enzymes that...