Did you know that what you put in your eyes can change your blood pressure?The Saturday Evening Post
Medications that you take to control other health conditions, such as arthritis, epilepsy, or allergies, can cause your blood pressure to rise. They can also interfere with the ability of drugs used to keep blood pressure down. The drugs below are some of the ones that may negatively affect...
"Having a healthy lifestyle really makes a difference in your life because you can avoid high blood pressure," Bauman said. "If you do have high blood pressure, make sure to take your medication. You may not necessarily have symptoms until your blood pressure gets really high." Sign up fo...
Stress may cause your body to release hormones that can make your blood sugar rise. This is more common in people with type 2 diabetes. Practice relaxation techniques with deep breathing and exercise, if you can, to reduce stress. Upswing: Bagels Are bagels better than bread? Well, bagels a...
High blood pressure. This can make your blood vessels less stretchy, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen that can get to your kidneys. This may damage them over time. Your doctor will also refer you to a nephrologist if you have symptoms of a kidney condition, such as: ...
You Have Better Blood Sugar Control Stress hormones can make your blood sugar rise. And if you have diabetes, the effort it takes to manage your condition may amp up your stress. Relaxation can help you get a handle on your blood sugar (though it can't take the place of medicine). To...
The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is that systolic refers to the highest pressure when the heart contracts and pumps blood, while diastolic represents the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes between beats. When you measure your blood pressure, you’ll see two numbers, ...
When it’s poorly managed,diabetescauses your blood sugar level to rise. This can set off a whole cascade of dangers: The excess sugar damages your blood vessels and contributes toheart diseaseslikecoronary artery diseaseandheart failure, both of which can cause clots that lead to stroke. Peopl...
Overall, blood pressure can be influenced by many different things, Dr. Hutchins says. Three big ones are: Age: Blood pressure tends to rise as you get older Genetics: Hypertension can run in families Race: African-Americans have a higher risk for hypertension ...
GDM causes your blood sugar level to rise too high. A high blood sugar level can harm you and your unborn baby. The level usually goes back to normal after the baby is born.What causes GDM?The cause of GDM is not known. Hormones made by the placenta may cause insulin resistance. ...