But different from IPCC the AMS Glossary defines weather ( next Fig. ). Interesting that the first paragraph confirms what was already said above, that weather is “primarily an individual impression and experience”, namely:WEATHER is „The state of the atmosphere, mainly with respect to its...
In LCA, the formulation of the purpose is made during what the international standard for LCA (ISO 2006a, b) defines as the goal and scope definition. The scope consists of the methodological choices made to address the stated goal, ensuring that the conclusions of the study are sufficiently...
All animals are given the best care possible. Even the male calves. What Happens to the bulls Because the bulls can’t be milked, they usually have a different career path than the girls. Some of the boys are kept for breeding purposes. The bulls from the very best cows are kept for ...
delving into the history of the Holds, the cultures of the ruling clans, and further information about the ongoing conflict in Khyber—along with the symbiont that have been claimed as spoils of war. So there’s lots more (Mror!) to ...
Merriam-Websterdefines divination as “the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.” The first instance of what God says about divination is found in Leviticus 19: ...
Seven is the number of stars in the Pleiades, known as the Seven Sisters, each of which represents for the Hopi one of the universes designated for the people and defines the length of the seven songs of Creation, and all together “the way of man on his Road of Life through seven con...
Food waste poses environmental, ethical, and economical questions, and shows the need to change our food system. Food waste prevention is included in the EU’s plan for a circular economy, which the European Commission defines as where “the value of products, materials and resources is ...