The portion of the hub and spoke distribution system that refers to transportation mode operators responsible for scheduled delivery to a customer of the "hub." See also distribution; distribution system; hub; hub and spoke distribution. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of...
nerable to the politics of the spoils system. A Democrat, Hawthorne lost this job due to the change of administration in Washington after the pres- idential election of 1848. Hawthorne's career as a novelist was boosted by The Scarlet Letter in 1850, in which the preface refers to his th...
The term American System refers to a three-step plan by Henry Clay. This plan worked to place high taxes on imports, re-charter the 2nd bank of the U.S., and provide federal money for internal improvements like roads and canals.What...
a rift in the luteA flaw or imperfection, particularly one that endangers the integrity of the whole; the one rotten apple that spoils the whole barrel. The expression, more familiar to British than American ears, comes from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’sIdylls of the King(1885): ...
This is especially true because cybercriminals often use the so-called 'lateral movement' approach, whereby they might target an accountancy practice in order to use its breached IT system as a stepping-stone for subsequent attacks on the victim's clients. Specifically with this in mind, it ...
Third, we explore whether the legal rights or the discretionary power of subnational governments over the tax and revenue system matters in the analysis of the effects of natural resources on the provision of local public goods and services. Although royalties from mining industries are mostly ...
Third, although Jesus does not say this in Mark 4, this reading also evokes a warning: tobe careful about what kind of seeds we sow. The seeds Jesus refers to are corn and mustard. It is hard to believe Jesus would support the scattering of weed seeds – indeed, he spoke out against...
despoil, foray, pillage, ransack, reave, rifle, loot, plunder, strip - steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners" sack, plunder - plunder (a town) after capture; "the barbarians sacked Rome"22...
But it took more than mere grand larceny to really get reform going. Military incompetence did the trick. In the initial stages of the US Civil War (1860–1865), many of the higher officers had attained their rank through the spoils system, and not as a consequence of their proven ...
II. The Story of the Ancestors of Israel - Terah. These are the descendants of Terah. Terah begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran, and Haran begot Lot. Haran