2、能运用句子“What are you doing ? I am doing the dishes/…”询问别人正在做什么并作答。 3、通过说唱Let’s chant 部分的歌谣巩固复习Let’s learn 部分的动词短语和句子。 4、学唱歌曲“What are you doing ?”。 二、教学重、难点 1、本课时的重点是掌握五个动词短语的ing 形式,能够理解下一课时...
What are you doing I am reading a book. 第9页 What are you doing I am doing the dishes. 第10页 What are you doing I am answering the phone. 第11页 What are you doing I’m drawing a picture. 第12页 make the bed making the bed do homework doing homework watch TV watching TV sw...
人教版五年级下册英语Unit4《WhatAreYouDoing》教案 《What Are You Doing》教案(一) 教学目标 从听、说、读、写四方面掌握本课粗体句型“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. He’s writing an e-mail in the study. ” 能够听懂、会说、...
nGame(游戏)“Whatareyoudoing?”,当 音乐停时,手持盒子的同学从盒 子中抽出一张卡片,根据卡片上 的动词短语,进行回答“I’m…” Homework 一.Makeacalltoyourfriend,andask lWhatareyoudoing? 一.Copythenewphrases. Goodbye! VIP免费下载 下载文档 ...
酷狗音乐为您提供由英语听力演唱的高清音质无损人教版pep小学英语三起点五年级下册:Unit 4 What are You Doingmp3在线听,听人教版pep小学英语三起点五年级下册:Unit 4 What are You Doing,只来酷狗音乐!
我说课的内容是 PEP 小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 “What are you doing?” Part A 的第一课时。接下来我主要从以下六个方面来展开我的说课: 一、说教材 二、说学情 三、说教法设计 四、 说学法指导 五、 说教学过程 六、 说板书设计 一、 说教材 1、 说教材地位与作用 本课时是 PEP 小学英语五年级下...
五. 用 be(am/is/are) 7、的适当形式填空。 12 分1.hi!this_chen jie. 2.i_doing my homework. 3.what_you doing? 4.what_john doing? 5.this_amy. 6.zhang peng_reading a book. 六.单词大变脸。 (写出以下单词的 -ing形式) 12 分学习文档仅供参考如:1.draw drawing _ 2.cook _ 3.read...
1、Unit 4 What are you doing ?Part A lets learn 德兴市界田小学 蔡建芬 Dog ,dog ,what can you doI can run after you.panda ,panda ,what can you do?I can eat so much bamboo.mouse ,mouse ,what can you do?I can hide in the shoeMike, Mike ,what can you do? I can draw animals...