2007年7月4日以电子申报方式向大连海关申报进口加工服装一批,价值8000美元。次日收货人又向大连海关递交了纸质报关单。料件进口后,经过几个月的加工,成品于2008年1月返销出口意大利。企业于当月月底向海关办理了合同核销手续。 根据上述材料,回答下列问题: 下列关于加工贸易银行保证金台账制度的说法,正...
Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream. Discover their functions types, glands and disorders only at BYJU'S.
What does meiosis result in for males for females? Meiosis: This is the process whereby a cell is divided into four unique hapoid cells. This is done via two cell divisions, where the replicated DNA is split equally into four cells. These are used in sexual reproduction to create a zygote...
During meiosis, haploid gametes are produced. It is a kind of cell division wherein the number of chromosomes is reduced in the parent diploid cell by half in number. Some entities such as algae contain haploid sections in their life cycle. Other entities such as male ants exist as haploid...
Are all homologous chromosomes/ homologous pairs alike? If not, why would that be?During which phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes pair up and cross-over?At which stage in meiosis, do the pairs of homologous chromosomes come togetherWhat are the homologous portions of...
Another function of the sperm is to determine the sex of the future baby. Depending on the chromosomal distribution that takes place during meiosis, the sperm cell will possess either the X chromosome (female sex) or the Y chromosome (male sex). ...
In male germ cells, Znhit1 is responsible for controlling meiotic initiation, which is the transition from mitosis to meiosis ensuring gamete formation (51). In these cells, Znhit1-mediated deposition of H2A.Z regulates the expression of meiotic genes. It is increasingly clear that Znhit1 play...
castings,Undigested solids containing soil (excreted from the earthworm); enriches the topsoil. catalyst,Activating agents that bring about changes but are not themselves changed during the processes. caterpillar,Larval stage in the metamorphosis of butterfly and moth. ...
The key difference between meiosis in males and females is that meiosis in males leads to the production of sperms while meiosis in females leads to the pr
Compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis. (a) How are mitosis and meiosis different? (b) How do the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ? Differentiate between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. How do these differ...