Answer to: What is the purpose of meiosis? a. To enable an organism to produce gametes. b. To allow for growth. c. To allow an organism to replace...
Concerning the sex chromosomes of the XY system, which type of gamete do male and female individuals respectively produce?What is the difference between X and Y chromosomes and how do they affect genetics?Chromosomes that do not determine the sex of an individual are called: ...
Cell division is the process that cells use to duplicate themselves. There are two main types of cell division: mitosis andmeiosis. Mitosis is the process that cells use to duplicate themselves for growth and repair. Meiosis is the process that cells use to create gametes, such as sperm and ...
The cells of an animal or higher plant have two sets of chromosomes: they are diploid. When gametes (sex cells) are produced, they have onlyone set of chromosomes: they are haploid. They have undergone a process of cell division calledmeiosis. During meiosis, crossing over occurs. This make...
The plants grown by the farmers are known as crops. These crops are classified based on the seasons in which they are grown- Kharif crops, and Rabi crops.
, spireme (spī'rem, spī'rēm), Term formerly applied to the first stage of mitosis or meiosis (prophase) during which extended chromosome filaments have the
Cells are the basic building block of all living things. Explore cell definition, cell structure, types of cells, cell theory, cell discovery and cell functions @ BYJU'S.
The essences of things are conceived not capable of any such variation. Mutation An alteration in genetic material. A specific Mutation in the BRCA1 gene is linked to breast cancer. Variation Extent to which a thing varies; amount of departure from a position or state; amount or rate of cha...
There are two more things we have to consider. The first is that we have no way of “seeing” crossovers in a parent–child comparison. A parent and child are half identical across all the autosomes, no matter how many crossovers took place in the parent. When we compare a grandparent ...
What Are the Biological Differences between Allo- and Autopolyploids? Historically, polyploid types were distinguished by their chromosome pairing behavior observed under the microscope during metaphase I of meiosis [91]. Since autopolyploids are formed by genome doubling within the same species, by ...