Polymers are formed when several single units of molecules (referred to as monomers) are joined together by a chemical bond. In the case of glucose, a simple sugar monomer, or what we can specifically call a monosaccharide (mono-single, saccharide - sugar), it combines with other glucose ...
What kind of macromolecule is DNA? What are the monomer "building blocks" that make up proteins? Which two polymers have glucose monomers? What are the three parts of an RNA nucleotide? Are DNA and RNA both nucleic acids? What are the polymers of fatty acids?
blood glucose, fructans, sweeteners, Bifidobacterium, insulin, health foods, intestinal microorganisms, oligosaccharides, fructose, health promotion, inulin, secretion, literature reviews, growth, polymers, digestibility, dietary fiberInulin is a term applied to a heterogeneous blend of fructose polymers ...
What is……… Key word test – answers on paper the class of biological molecules including glycogen and sugars? What is……… The polymer of ß glucose that forms plant cell walls What is……… the type of chemical reaction in which two glucose molecules are joined by a covalent bond t...
Just like DNA is a polymer, proteins are also polymers. The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, connected to each other by what we call amide or peptide bonds. There are about 20 naturally-occuring amino acids. So, by analogy with the genome, we say that a list of all the pr...
Monomers - Monomers are the building blocks of these large molecules called polymers. In other words monomers are the unit molecules (building blocks) of these larger molecules, called polymers. Visit BYJUS to learn more about monomers and polymers.
What are three types of organic polymers that are important to life? What do kinases catalyze:? A) addition of phosphate group in a molecule B) removal of a phosphate group from a molecule C) addition of a glucose D) addition of sulfates E) synthesis of DNA ...
Noticeably, a number of enzymes are required for glycogenesis to overcome otherwise energetically unfavorable chemical transformations. Carbohydrate polymers such as glycogen can be produced from glucose monomers using catalysts and a complex set of chemical steps, though this is costly compared to utilizi...
Three important and common monosaccharides are glucose, galactose and fructose. A monosaccharide is a sugar molecule that is composed of just one unit... Learn more about this topic: Monosaccharides | Definition, Formula & Examples from Chapter 8/ Lesson 21 ...
A monomer is a molecule that serves as the building block of larger molecules called polymers. One example of monomers is nucleotides. Nucleotides are made up of a sugar-phosphate complex and a nitrogenous base. There are two main groups of nit...