There are some people that disagree with me and feel that you cannot compartmentalize religion that way and it should be a part of your everyday life, but I disagree. I feel that you can experience your religion by daily prayer and attending a catechism class once a week can offer the gr...
Speaking of data, here are some. Duty factor (DF; fraction of stride cycle that a given foot is in contact with the ground; i.e., 1 means the feet never ever leave the ground; 0 means that the animal never touches the ground and thus is truly flying) on the x-axis, and stride ...
Each of these degrees involves studying and mastering dense philosophical catechisms, while paying your yearly dues. An exceptional Freemason who has completed all 32 degrees of the Scottish Rite may be selected to join the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, now known as ...
Users of models and simulations are very familiar with catchphrases like “all models are wrong, but some are useful” or the much more cynical (or ignorant) “garbage in, garbage out”; or the very dangerous attitude that “if the mathematics is correct, then the models can’t be that ...
4.1 The doctrine of the Church shall be in accordance with that system commonly called "the Reformed Faith" as expressed in the Confession of Faith as set forth by the historic Westminster Assembly together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. ...
. . . With faith-driven catechisms that are largely impervious to analysis or evidence, and that seem removed from any kind of serious political morality, both political parties have formed an unholy alliance – an undeclared war on the future. An undeclared war, that is, on our children. ...
we confess that Scripture norms the church and that the church cannot obligate believers to any doctrine or practice not taught or necessarily implied by God’s Word. So, when we speak about “confessions” and “catechisms,” (a little book of questions and answers) these are important eccles...
Eventually,"the Catechisms" were required to be held in every church. Faithful attendance was greatly emphasized for both Sunday services. For example, the Aberdeen town council insisted that all city officials, New Address: Rev. P.H. Holtvlüwer Box 164, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Home phone: ...
4.1 The doctrine of the Church shall be in accordance with that system commonly called "the Reformed Faith" as expressed in the Confession of Faith as set forth by the historic Westminster Assembly together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. ...
). These are salutary cautionary tales and catechisms that keep us on our toes, because the visual realism that realistic-looking simulations produce can seduce you into thinking that the science is better than it is. It’s not a field that’s well-suited for those fearful of being wrong....