Later there were periods when catechisms appeared one after another, and when it seemed that their twilight came, after the Catechism of the Catholic Church was published, their revival occurred. However, various trends in the development of the catechism determined the ways for catech...
Find the official Catechism of the Catholic Church and the YOUCAT youth catechism as well as other catechisms for children, teens, and adults.
The name as well as the form of Jewish catechisms has been adopted from the Christian Church in modern times in connection with a more systematized religious instruction. Catechesis as a term for instructing persons, particularly proselytes, in the principal parts of the faith before admitting ...
Since the beginning of Christianity there have been catechisms to help the faithful understand Church teaching. In recent decades, however, catechisms are often used in an attempt to change Church teaching. A new catechism attempts to return to the origi
The intention is to show how these polarities could dynamically serve the confessing church in meeting present-day challenges to the Christian faith in a manner that once again will inspire confidence in its catholic witness in the third millennium....
(Vienna, 1560) belonging to Budny, I analyze Budny's notes and comments regarding the Latin translation of Cyril's text as a case study of Budny's attempt to recover the Church Father from the Catholic post-Tridentine agenda and his own subsequent re-appropriation of Cyril for ...
The intention is to show how these polarities could dynamically serve the confessing church in meeting present-day challenges to the Christian faith in a manner that once again will inspire confidence in its catholic witness in the third millennium....