What are the disadvantages of birth control pills?You may have sudden changes in your mood or feelings while you take birth control pills. You may have nausea and a decreased sex drive. You may have an increased appetite and rapid weight gain. You may also have bleeding in between periods,...
Breakthrough bleeding can also be triggered by missed or late birth control pills, due to the drop in hormone levels (8). Can I skip my withdrawal bleeding? Yes. Many people choose continuous use and skip the placebo pills (or the break between rings/patches) to avoid withdrawal ...
It turned out to be a reaction with my Birth control pills being switched and starting several days later then i was suppose to. I started my period a few days later and things went back to normal. However, At this time i am pregnant. lol Happened the next month >< ...
Kelly, Alice Lesch
Gritty eyes are often described as the sensation of having sand in the eye. They are often associated with dry eyes and can be caused by a variety of factors.
Ask your provider which birth control method is best for you.Condoms are the best way to prevent passing HIV to a sex partner. In addition to condoms, use a second form of birth control to prevent pregnancy. Do not use vaginal spermicides, because they may increase the risk that you wil...
It's important to take your birth control pills at the same time every day, but sometimes that doesn't happen. Here's what to do if you miss a pill.
As noted, tender breasts can be a side effect of taking birth control.1 Increased Headaches Between 25% and 50% of people report migraines around the time they get their period. This is most likely due to a drop in estrogen levels.11 Certain birth control pills that let you skip ...
Birth control pills, antidepressants, painkillers and lifestyle modifications – such as exercising more and getting enough sleep – can help mitigate both PMS and PMDD. Next:Allergies 8/15 Credit Allergies You’d think you’d know if you have an allergy, but Sophy often discovers...
Research indicates that ovulation typically occurs around 500 times in your life (1) and is impacted by several factors. Factors such as the use of certain hormonal birth control pills, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain health conditions such as PCOS can stop you from ovulating (1,4). ...