Chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been thoroughly examined in medical studies, but they may help you think about your own mind and body like any religion or belief. ...
Chakras are basically the junction points of Nadis in the body. Converging at certain points in our body,Anodea Judithstated in her book ‘The Wheels of Life‘, these Nadis form a junction we know asChakra. Where Nadis are the pathways of ‘Prana – life force’, Chakras are the distribut...
As we explained each of the body’s major 7 chakras are associated with specific locations on the body, such as the heart and crown of the head. The Chakra system is believed to govern and influence an underlying network of glands and their nearby organs. These 7 chakra symbols are vital ...
Theroot chakrais the first of 7 chakras present at the base of the spine in our subtle body. Being the first and base chakra, the energy of this chakra works like the foundation for all the above chakras. In Sanskrit, the root chakra is known asMuladhara. The term Muladhara comes from...
There are seven main shadow archetypes in this test, which correspond to theseven chakras. The result you get can help you find some focus and clarity on your healing journey. What is your shadow archetype? Share below in the comments!
Nadis are a network of pranic, mental, and spiritual flows that run through the physical body, forming a matrix. They provide energy to every cell and organ in the body through their extensive network, which transports prana in all directions. ...
"The Octaves: Infinite Cycles of 7 Chakras, Densities or Dimensions" How To Become A Mahatma Walk In - Channeled by Caroline Fitzgerald ( Good Morning my friends, I am El Morya. I have been asked to speak with you this morning, by this aspect, to give advice on the...
The one who practices Kundalini Yoga commands the five tattvas, the three gunas, the seven chakras, and all 108 elements in the universe Whatever you are, you’re a piece of garbage if you have not awakened your own dormant power to become totally excellent. Be straight, talk straight, and...
seems to make a clear-cut distinction that it is not the stars influencing us, as many astrologers are likely to convey, but rather it is actually our weakness or strength in receiving the planetary electro-magnetic radiations through our chakras that is the cause of so much inconvenience in...
Humans are one of the few animals on earth unable to make their ownvitamin C. Make sure your supply is topped up with a daily supplement for optimal nutrition, or opt for a diet rich in fruit and vegetables to boost your levels. We all know the health benefits of vitamin C, labelled ...