What is the nature of the interaction between biomolecules that are necessary to give rise to the structure and function of the cellular components? What is the general name for the kinds of chemical reactions that joins smaller molecules to form macromolecules?
Which of the following biological molecules is amphipathic and a major component of the cell wall? (a) Cholesterol (b) Phospholipids (c) Proteins (d) Carbohydrates. What are the sources of the four macromolecules? Determine which of the 4 ma...
The thermosphere is characterized by extremely thin air, with gas molecules spread so far apart that they rarely collide. Despite the sparse atmosphere, temperatures in this layer can soar to as high as 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. This intense heat is primarily due to the absorption of high-energ...
Some molecules that are similar to nucleotides, some of them serving as intermediates in the process of nucleotide synthesis, are important in biochemistry as well. A nucleoside, for example, is a nitrogenous base linked to a ribose sugar; in other words, it is a nucleotide missing its phospha...
What is the equation for anaerobic cellular respiration? In which step of aerobic cellular respiration is glucose most fully oxidized? A. glycolysis B. electron transport chain C. citric acid cycle D. pyruvate processing How many ATP are produced in cellular respiration by 2...
Polyphenol is a term for the several thousand plant-based molecules that have antioxidant properties. The health benefits of antioxidants are well known! Besides their antioxidant nature, polyphenols also help regulating enzyme function and stimulate cell receptors.[1]...
What are The Hormones? Hormones are a class of signaling molecules released by a specific group of cells, called endocrine cells. In human physiology, they commonly regulate metabolic processes and behavioral changes. There are three major classes of hormones: peptide, steroid, and amino acid deriv...
There are also categories of amphipaths. Amphipols are amphiphilicpolymersthat maintain membrane protein solubility in water without the need for detergents. The use of amphipols allows the study of these proteins without denaturing them. Bolaamphipathic molecules are those that have hydrophilic groups ...
Covalent compounds are formed when electrons are shared between the atoms and due to this sharing of electrons, they exhibit unique physical properties as compared to ionic compounds.Answer and Explanation: Some of the main properties of covalent compounds are : 1. Covalent compounds have a very...
What are the monomers of proteins? Which of the following biological molecules is amphipathic and a major component of the cell wall? (a) Cholesterol (b) Phospholipids (c) Proteins (d) Carbohydrates. Which macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids) are sour...