There are many myths regarding the dangers of solar eclipses. Some say looking directly at a solar eclipse will cause damage to pregnant women, others say it can even poison food. This is all untrue, but make no mistake - you should absolutely not look directly at a solar eclipse. The r...
Does it exert some special power over us when it shows up “supersized” in the sky? We have answers. There are a lot of myths about supermoons, especially since they’ve gained a lot of media attention in recent years. But why are people so fascinated by them? And what does a super...
It's hard to say because auroral colors blend in an ever-changing chemistry mix and that is how you can get some of the rarer colors that are observed. Additional resources To increase your chances of viewing an aurora, monitor aurora forecasts provided by organizations like the University of...
Total eclipse begins(2nd contact): The Moon covers the entire disk of the Sun, and observers are now within the Moon'sumbra, the darkest part of the Moon's shadow. Adiamond ring effectandBaily's beadsare visible just before totality. Totality and maximum eclipse:The Moon completely covers ...
Today, those consequences are clearly visible and also felt; Even if we didn’t have greenhouse gases, were going to have to move away from fossil fuels, as we’re going to run out. They’re finite, whereas solar and wind are infinite. ~Ted Turner Consequences of increased levels of ...
The ring is made only once a month on the first Saturday night of the Hebrew calendar month and, on some rare occasions, on the 2nd Saturday night of the Hebrew calendar month. 01/02/2023 Royal Hanwoven Beads Necklace Gold Version We are adding a gold version and some beautiful beads ...
Some observers along the central shadow's path see the same solar eclipse as a total solar eclipse with aneclipse magnitudegreater than 1 while others experience it as an annular eclipse, which has a magnitude below 1. For this reason, hybrid eclipses are also called annular/total eclipses....
But lunar eclipses are different. When the Moon is 99% eclipsed, it’s quite fascinating. Nothing extra happens when the Moon plunges into the final one percent of Earth’s shadow. In fact, some might argue that 99% ismorevisually spectacular because there’s then one final spot of white...
A person's Spirit Animal can easily be a mythical creature. After all, their myths and legends came directly from observation and storytelling about ‘real' animals. I actually am publishing some mythical creatures articles in the next few weeks so I'll post them here when the articles are ...
WATCH: Why Niagara Falls declared a state of emergency for the 2024 solar eclipseStates of emergency aren’t just for natural disasters There are even some unusual cases where these emergency declarations may prove useful. Content continues belowEvery...