Hindus have a myth from a text called theMahabharatathat identifies a demon named Rahu as the culprit behind both solar and lunar eclipses. According to the tale, the situation began long ago when the gods recruited a group of demons to help them brew an elixir of immortality. Photo Courtes...
According to PISA website statistics, students from Shanghai came first in 2012 in PISA, which has been held every three years since 2000. British youngsters were 25 places behind. In 2015, Chinese students also performed significantly better than their British counterparts. In 2016, the UK Depa...
These goddesses likewise died before the sun appeared, but came into being again from the garments they had left behind. So also did the four hundred Chichimecs, and these set about to burn one of the five goddesses, by name Coatlicue, the Serpent Skirted, because it was discovered that ...
Legend says that these dogs originated from the kingdom of darkness. Its Korean term is Gamangnara (가망나라). The folklore tells us thatbulgaeare the reason behind the moon’s eclipses. In the legend, the Ganamngnara’s king had so many concerns over the kingdom’s darkness, s...
‘Although I believed this impression could be hardly more than a ridiculous notion, I found my new concept of shadowy form behind gossamer-like substance even more puzzling and provoking than my former idea of an elusive epical meaning.