Sometimes they're spirits of the dead, other times simply nefarious beings who like to hang out near graves, such as the ghouls of Africa, India and the Middle East. But some monsters, like the Headless Horseman, are more afraid of graveyards than you are. In the Manx folklore of the ...
While it potentially offers solutions to the world’s problems, it dramatically conflicts with materialism; although it is not adverse to elements of both science and spirituality. In 1949, Einstein lost an argument in support of Bohm with the president of Princeton University at Berkeley, and ...
While it potentially offers solutions to the world’s problems, it dramatically conflicts with materialism; although it is not adverse to elements of both science and spirituality. In 1949, Einstein lost an argument in support of Bohm with the president of Princeton University at Berkeley...
These levels are typically represented as a pyramid, with Environment at the base and Spirituality at the apex. – Interconnectedness: The levels are interconnected and influence each other. Changes at one level can impact the levels both above and below it. – Reflective Tool: Dilts’ Logical ...
Native American tribes, with the result being that many now carry beliefs that are a hybrid. In those times, performing missionary work amongst the indigenous peoples was seen as a high calling. Converting the Native Americans from what were viewed as pagan ways was of the utmost priority to ...
Spirituality and contribution are together at the pinnacle of the Pyramid of Mastery. When we feel connected to the universe, we know that we are all one – and we are driven togive backto those less fortunate. Gratitude radiates out from our lives and creates a cycle that touches everyone...
A Personal Perspective: A healthy spirituality connects us with ourselves, each other, and life itself.
While all of this is true and wonderful, many of us become intoxicated, distracted, and ensnared by these highly attractive images of spirituality, avoiding the darker, painful, and more demanding sides of such a path. At its core, spiritual bypassing is like any other form of avoidance that...
Byanon149335— On Feb 03, 2011 Some forms of healing can be like franchises/cults. Be aware. Others are genuine and really good at healing emotional and physical stuff. I really enjoy doing Light Axis Healing. It works great for me. reiki and acupuncture are also good. The best way to...
There are moments on most days when I feel a deep and sincere gratitude, when I sit at the open window, and there is a blue sky or moving clouds. — KaThe Kollwitz 20 Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality. — Alfred Agache 19 Deep Gratitude Quotes A...