The words ‘best endeavours’ and ‘reasonable endeavours’ are not terms of art and, like all other words used in a contract, must be interpreted in accordance with usual principles of interpretation.
Chrysanthesaystestsshowthatareasonableangledroofisbestabletowithstandwindstorms.In areaswithpowerfulwinds,researchershavestronglyurgedthecreationofatleastone “safe room”.Thisisaplacewherebuildingoccupantscanspendthemostdangerouspartofthestorm. Anotherconcernishowtodealwithstormsandflooding.Somecoastalcommunitiesinthe ...
This paper will analyze the importance of the parent-child relationship, the effects of parental termination, and the reasonable efforts requirement through a holistic approach. A holistic approach focuses on the whole problem. It entails everything from the lawyer's role, the client's role in ...
根据第四段中“If you expect to fail an upcoming test or interview, then you might not invest efforts in preparation, which in turn reduces your chances of doing well. Second, people may interpret a situation in line...
it is not that im car it is not uncommon he it is ones duty to do it is reasonable that it is saidreportedbel it is silent to hope it is suggested that it is the best course it is the unexpected it is thought that cl it is time it is time that it is tr looking into it is...
NewcastleuponTyneinnortheastEnglandareboth currentlyconsideringbecomingNationalParkCities. 8.WhatmakesLondon morelikelytobecomeanationalparkcitythanothercities? A.Itssmallerpopulation. B.Itslessdenseurbanization. C.Itscitizens?greatsupport. D.Thegovernment?sefforts. 9.WherecanwefindthedataonLondon?smeasures to...
In addition, what impresses the customers most is that not only the quality of the clothes is reliable but the prices are reasonable and affordable.On top of that, if there is no damage to the clothes and they are preserved in good con...
best efforts,reasonable efforts,commercially reasonable efforts, andreasonable best efforts. Also used are good-faith efforts,diligent efforts,commercially reasonable best efforts, andevery effort. The mix-and-match quality ofeffortsterms can approach the bizarre, as inbest good-faith reasonable efforts....
With a best efforts offering, the agent does not guarantee that the sale will take place within a given time frame or that a particular amount of revenue will be realized from the venture. At the same time, the agent does pledge to make a reasonable effort to sell the offering, and ...
Best efforts commitments are made on a loan-by-loan basis. One loan cannot be substituted for another. If the borrower closes on the loan, then the originator typically must deliver that loan to the secondary market buyer. However, if the loan doesn’t close for any reason—for example, ...