JiShop differs from other electronic kanji dictionaries by its original look-up system, which fully employs the advantages of a computer. There are no key elements in JiShop; all radicals (634 versus traditional 214) are treated equally. Instead of the laborious counting of strokes inevitable in...
Kanji Tattoos for Love Some people are interested in getting atattooof a kanji symbol. You may want to consider at length whether ai or koi is the one that you want to have tattooed. A full discussion of theuses of koi andaimay help you decide which is most appropriate. Some people ma...
If I learn what the 50 most common used radicals are in Japanese kanji and what they mean like “水” I know this means water. I guess my question is if I’m learning radicals right now do I need to know right now their exact pronunciation or is simply knowing what they mean okay f...
So why is it that your textbooks and teachers don’t talk about these component categories, but about “radicals” instead? Well, we’ll talk about that next week! John’s company Outlier Linguistics is developing a new mobile kanji dictionary which explains how kanji actually work, based on...
@MilkFlavorBerryyea I know. Some korean name I know are 전두환, 이승만, 박정희, 김대중 etc. And I think 노태우 doesn’t sound like korean name. What do you think about this name? Does it sound like korean or foreign name? I wanna know about that.@...
Read picture books or kind of books for kids, some of them have “furigana” on Kanji. To memorize each Kanji character is so hard. Books give you context, it helps you memorize!!|@KatjaKiko Never give up!! You should memorize Only 2000 basic Kanji chara
Interestingly, though Otaku is written as “おたく” in hiragana or “オタク” in katakana, the two forms are slightly different. Since the hiragana word was once frequently used to describe people who love Erotic Manga, in many middle-aged Japanese people’s minds, the word still has a ...
I earlier alluded to lost opportunities. There was plenty of useful information in the book as well as a number of interesting surveys and interviews (though the samples were far too small for the conclusions that are drawn from them), but most issues of relevance were treated far too briefl...