Jōyō JLPT Strokes Radical Search Kanji for 施 施 alms; apply bandages; administer first-aid Search dictionary for: 施 シ·セ ほどこ.す Popularity rank: 323 Pinyin: shī Korean: si, i Hán-Việt: thi, thí, dị, thỉ Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip...
Kanji Strokes Diagram祖 ancestor Radical:示 Parts:一目礻 Dictionary: 祖 Meanings ancestor; pioneer; founder ソso Popularity rank: 1226 Pinyin: zǔ Korean: jo Hán-Việt: tổ Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-5 Example Words 御祖父さん[ojiisan] gran...
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PURPOSE:To enable retrieving a desired KANJI (Chinese character) by an alias of its radical even if the radical has multiple names, relating to retrieval of KANJI by its radical in a data processing system into which Japanese is input ted for processing. CONSTITUTION:A dictionary data buffer ...
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Search Kanji for引き攣る 引 pull Radical:弓 Parts:|弓 Dictionary:引 Meanings pull; tug; jerk; admit; install; quote; refer to インin ひ.くhiku·ひ.きhiki·ひ.き-hiki-·-び.き-biki·ひ.けるhikeru Popularity rank:218Pinyin:yǐnKorean:inHán-Việt:dẫn, dấn ...
(kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), KanjiVG (kanji animations and stroke order), and Joy o' Kanji (kanji and radical synopses). Translations provided by Google...
Microsoft Japanese IME Character List/Stroke Count/Radical Programs Microsoft Japanese IME Core Microsoft Japanese IME Handwriting Program Microsoft Japanese IME Kanji Dictionary Microsoft Japanese IME Katakana and English Dictionary Microsoft Japanese IME Name/Place Dictionary Microsoft Japanese IME Postal Code...
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Kanji definition: 師 常用5年JLPTN3 シSHI・いくさikusa expert; teacher; master; model; exemplar; army (incl. counter); war Strokes: 10 Radical: 巾turban SKIP: 1-6-4 UTF: 5e2b JIS208: 27-53 Nanori: のしnoshi・のりnori・もろmoro・かずkazu・つかさtsukasa・みつmitsu・もとmo...