JUSJump Ultimate Stars(video game) JUSJuristischen Schulung(German: Legal Training) JUSJapan Unix Society JUSJihad-Un-Spun JUSJovenes Universitarios Salesianos(Spanish: Salesian Youth University; various locations) JUSJournal of Uncertain Systems(mathematics; UK) ...
This framework of jus post bellum rules seems to be just what the world needs as the rules of jus ad bellum, which regulate the beginning of a war, and the rules of jus in bello, which regulate the conduct of the actual war, are not comprehensive enough to be of constructive help in...
Many jurists currently hold the view that the traditional distinction between "a regular army" and a NSAG with respect to various applications of jus ad bellum and jus in bello should be reconsidered. The implications are that banning some means of warfare by resting on the formal definition of...
The former is the retaliatory/punitive use of force by one state against another for a violation of an international obligation that has not been redressed, and is thus subsumed under the jus ad bellum. The latter are a part of the jus in bello. They deal with reprisals by one belligerent...