What are cartilaginous fish? What plants live in a pond habitat? What do flying fish eat? What is the habitat of a clown fish? What eats phytoplankton in an estuary? Do lake trout live below the thermocline in a lake? What is a filter feeder fish?
What are examples of porifera? What are cartilaginous fish? What is a living fossil between fish and amphibians? What do all cartilaginous fish have in common? In which class are jawless fish found? What Devonian fishes went extinct?
Chondrichthyes are cartilaginous fishes, lacking true bone structures, while Osteichthyes, or bony fishes, have skeletons made primarily of bone.
Whale Sharks Are Cartilaginous Fish Whale sharks, and all sharks, belong tothe group of fishcalled thecartilaginous fish- fish that have a skeleton made of cartilage, rather than bone.Other cartilaginous fishinclude theskatesand rays. The second-largest fish is another plankton-eating cartilaginous ...
These types of scales are a characteristic feature of cartilaginous fish and are very common in this category. If you were to view a fish with placoid scales, you would be able to observe that they’re closely set together on the skin. This often gives the surface of these fish a sandpap...
Although sea stars don't have gills, tails or scales like fish do, they have eyes - one at the end of each of their arms. These are not complex eyes, but eye spots that can sense light and dark. Sea stars may reproduce sexually, by releasing sperm and eggs (gametes) into the water...
Sharks are large, often predatory, cartilaginous fishes, distinct for their skeleton, while fish is a broad term for aquatic vertebrates, including sharks.
Cuttlefish are members of the Sepiida genus, squid are members of the Teuthida genus. CuttlefishSquid Genus Sepiida Teuthida Appearance Found in a variety of colors, from gray to pink; rounded heads and long fins help them swim. W or M shaped pupils Found in a variety of colors; long and...
Sharks have a cartilaginous rather than a bony skeleton, which is made of a strong, flexible connective tissue called cartilage, which is also found in humans (in our ears and noses).Whilst it is not recommended that you touch either, if you did you would find that dolphin skin feels smoo...
Nevertheless, each of these assemblages of fish bones from Jerusalem contained remains of catfish and cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays) none of which have scales. Their remains in the set of excavations in Jerusalem were quite common during the First Temple and Persian periods (up to 25%),...