What are some examples of bony fish? What is an example of a cartilaginous fish? What do jawless fish have in common with humans? What are some examples of amphibians? What are some examples of detritivores that live in the ocean?
Bony fish, any member of the superclass Osteichthyes, a group made up of the lobe-finned fishes and the ray-finned fishes of the subphylum Vertebrata, including the great majority of living fishes and virtually all the world’s sport and commercial fishe
invertebrate, anyanimalthat lacks avertebral column, or backbone, in contrast to the cartilaginous or bonyvertebrates. More than 90 percent of all living animalspeciesare invertebrates. Worldwide in distribution, they include animals asdiverseassea stars,sea urchins,earthworms,sponges,jellyfish,lobsters...
Certain species of insects regularly grow back missing legs, but many others are totally lacking in this capacity. Virtually all modern bony fishes can regenerate amputated fins, but the cartilaginous fishes (including the sharks and rays) are unable to do so. Among the amphibians, salamanders reg...
In order to give a broad and comparative view of their life histories, the vertebrates are subdivided here into major groups based on morphology: the cyclostomes (jawless fishes), the chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes), the teleostomes (bony fishes), and the tetrapods. ...