However, while the authors propose that increased X-chromosome number was also associated with more autistic traits, no difference was found between +1X or +2/3X SCAs, suggesting that X-chromosome effects are not necessarily correlated with these traits in a dose-dependent manner. A limitation ...
This study utilized an age- and IQ-matched sample of school-aged youth (n = 228) diagnosed with ASD to assess sex differences on the ADOS and ADI-R, parent-reported autistic traits, and adaptive skills. Although females and males were rated similarly on gold-standard diagnostic measures ...
Prodigies, in contrast, appear to benefit from certain autistic tendencies while avoiding the shortfalls of others. 相比之下,天才似乎从某些自闭症倾向中获益,同时又避免了其他的不足。 On a standard assessment of traits associated with autism, the prodigies in the current study scored higher than a ...
Alexithymia may explain the relationship between autistic traits and eating disorder psychopathology. Mol Autism. 2020;11(1):1–19. Article Google Scholar Swinbourne JM, Touyz SW. The co-morbidity of eating disorders and anxiety disorders: a review. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2007;15(4):253–74. ...
Autism, language and communication in children with sex chromosome trisomies. Arch Dis Child. 2011;96:954–9. This well-designed study compares autistic traits and language skills in individuals with KS, XXX syndrome, and XYY syndrome. Article PubMed Google Scholar Bishop DV, Scerif G. ...
Reduce expectations; however, this does not mean reducing expectations about a person’s ability to achieve their goals in life. Accept a person for who they are, autistic traits and all, and don’t ask them to change or mask. Give emotional support. Listen to what is bothering them. ...
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence of possible Axis II disorders in a group of young adults with a clinical diagnosis of AS. To have an estimation of level of autistic symptoms, a quantitative measure (the Autism Spectrum Quotient [AQ]) was added to the categor...
The most common signs of an attachment disorder in adults are a rejection of intimacy, excessive criticism of others, jealousy...
Hey, i have been suffering from what i think are nervous tics. I can't remember these happening until i was about 15 or 16 years old. My tics are mostly head movements not a lot but i think they are noticeable. It seems like my neck is always very tense. Could you tell me if th...
Sport is beneficial for autistic people, but there is a need to respect specific recommendations regarding dose and type of activity, that are still difficult to extract from the literature. Basically, there is no contraindication for any sport to be practiced with an autistic population, although...